Yoga poses for the morning

6 Yoga Poses For The Morning

Good Morning!🌞

As you get up in the morning after a (hopefully) restful 7-9 hours of shut-eye, you might notice some stiffness and tightness in your muscles. Why not add a bit of yoga to your morning routine? Not only are you starting your day off by letting go of stress you are energizing the mind and body.

Below, I've included a series of yoga poses that are designed to wake you up naturally with a series of backbends, twists and inversions. Props such as blankets and blocks are totally optional :) 
Disclaimer: As with all exercise and yoga ,  you need to use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness / yoga program. 
Reclined Butterfly yoga pose
Reclined Butterfly
Stretches the hips, inner thighs, calms the mind
1. Starting on your back, bring the soles of your feet together letting the knees fall open towards the mat. 
2. Option to extend your arms outwards, in a cactus shape or placing your hands on your inner thighs.
3. Keep your chin gently tucked to keep your spine nice and long.
4. Hold between 30 seconds to 1 minute
5. To safely come out of this post, bring your hands underneath your knees, gently bring your knees together and then in towards your chest
Modification: Move your feet away from you to dilute this pose.
Overhead stretch yoga
Overhead Stretch 
Stretches the upper/lower back and obliques.
1. Start off in a cross-legged position sitting tall, gazing forward
2. Place your right hand on the mat and bring your left arm overhead.
3. Option to bring your gaze underneath your left arm or towards the ground if you have any neck injuries/limitations
4. Gently release and repeat with your left hand down and right arm overhead
Seated twist yoga pose
Seated Twist
Improves digestion, increases blood flow, detoxifying, stretches the spine and strengthens back muscles 
1. While in the cross-legged position, inhale to lengthen the spine and as you exhale, bring your left hand to your right knee as your twist towards the right.
2. Gaze over your right shoulder while your right hand is behind you.
3. Gently release and repeat on the other side 
Yoga pose
Cat pose yoga
Improves posture, stress relieving, releases tension in the spine
1. Start off in tabletop with your shoulders over the wrists and hips over the knees.
Keep your knees hip width distance apart and toes can either be tucked or tops of the feet planted into the mat. Press into all four corners of your palms. 
2.As you inhale, drop your belly towards the mat as you lift your gaze forward or slightly upwards keeping your shoulders away from your ears.
3. On your exhale, tuck your tailbone under and draw your belly towards your spine and gaze through your thighs. 
Camel pose yoga
Camel pose yoga
Camel Pose
Boosts energy, stretches the neck, chest, abdomen, thighs and ankles, improves posture
1. Kneel on the floor with your knees hip width apart either tucking your toes or planting the tops of your feet into the mat.
2. Place your hands on your lower back with your fingers facing downwards.
3. Inhale as you open up through your chest and exhale slowly lean back and draw your hips forward. 
4. Stay in this pose for a few breaths. When you're ready to come out, bring yourself upright.
Full Pose:
1. Kneel on the floor with your knees hip width apart either tucking your toes or planting the tops of your feet into the mat.
2. Place your hands on your lower back with your fingers facing downwards.
3. Inhale as you open up through your chest and start to lean back.
4. Slowly reach your hands towards your ankles or heels and draw your hips forward.
5. Hold for a few breaths.
6. To come out, place your hands on your lower back and slowly bring yourself upright. 
Downward facing dog yoga
Downward Facing Dog
Lengthens hamstrings, calves, spine, improves posture and digestion, boosts energy
1. Start off in tabletop
2. Lift your knees off the mat and reach your sits bones and tailbone towards the ceiling. 
3. Draw your heels towards the mat (they don't have to touch the mat) and firm your shoulder blades against your back. Keep a microbend in the knees and avoid locking your knees to prevent injury.
4. Keep your gaze between your thighs and head between your arms.
5. Let your chest melt towards the mat and belly drawn in towards your spine. Imagining you're creating an inverted V shape.
6. Option to peddle out the knees (bending one knee and straightening the other) to warm up the body especially if it's your first downward facing dog of the day.
7. Hold for a few breaths. 

I hope you've enjoyed these poses and have a beautiful rest of your day. Namaste❤️


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